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About Our

Our approach is based on teamwork, professional knowledge, true craftsmanship and building excellent client relationships.


Immensely proud of our heritage

We are immensely proud of our heritage. The company was founded in the 1990s, but the knowledge and know-how come from times well before that. Founders of GRADIOR worked on the most important theatrical projects of the second half of the 20th century in Czechoslovakia – e.g. The National Theatre, the Estates Theatre (Stavovské divadlo) and the Palace of Culture in Prague.

From those days, hundreds of projects have been completed across the Globe, ranging from local theatres to world-famous stages, from local community centres to multi-purpose multi-genre arenas.

And although the company overgrew its roots of a small enterprise, the spirit of family is still firmly with us.


Interesting facts

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Our Management

Robert Nos

Chief Executive Officer

If you want to be successful you have to see two steps in advance – where is the market going, what are the newest technical advancements, and what is happening in politics. You have to be ready for a new situation, otherwise you cannot survive. But the hardest thing is to stay at the top. It’s like in sport: You can fly sky high but staying there for a time? That takes a lot of sweat. And my job is to ensure that we keep working hard relentlessly. What’s more – I am an avid engineer and love coming up with technical innovations. When I see how my idea is transformed into a real-world product that gives theatres new possibilities, that makes me truly happy.

Monika Peroutková

Chief Financial Officer

My job is to ensure that everything is done by the book – that our employees and contractors get paid on time and that we follow the rules and regulations of a state in which we run our project, no matter what part of the world our clients come from. Overcoming barriers of tax, bookkeeping and labour laws is exhausting and sorting out heaps of paperwork gets me sometimes on the end of the tether. But when I see what we have – with a little help of mine – managed to create, deliver and put into motion, that fills me with real satisfaction.


Martin Ondroušek

Chief Commercial Officer

I will stay in touch with you from the very first moment. We will discuss your needs and I will offer a business proposal. And I will gladly help with details. Working in the field of culture takes a lot of planning and no process can be rushed – I always bear that in mind while working with our clients. Without patience nothing can be started and accomplished successfully. And I get the greatest pleasure from meeting new people, their unique characters. It is so amazing to be surrounded by the great people.

Martin Matoušek

Technical Director

I am the one to tell you whether your dreamt up project is technically feasible or not. I will do anything in my power to make your wish come true – but sometimes the laws of physics are stronger than the best of ideas. If we face a problem, me and my team of designers will come up with the best possible solution to crack it. I get always filled with pride when I realise that our projects will work in theatres for decades and bring joy to audiences and actors alike.

Petr Michálek

Production and Realization Director

I am the central cog wheel in the machine. I supervise a project organization, manufacturing process, supplies and installation of our machinery at the site. I couldn’t do that alone. There is a fantastic team of professionals behind me that makes this job possible and I am proud that I have a sense for picking the right kind of people. Competent workers are foundation of a good company.

Petr Smrž

Project Director

I have been working for Gradior for many years and I grew up with my hands on stage machinery. I started as a design engineer and gradually moved to management positions. But although I took a directorial role I still gladly visit a project assembly site, put on overalls and get my hands dirty. I enjoy physical labour and never lose the feeling of satisfaction that it brings along. I am glad when our customers are satisfied but even happier, when our employees enjoy their jobs.

Stanislav Máselník


Eastern regions are challenging for any businessman and staying on top of things takes a lot of experience. Nevertheless, these markets are very important for us and we pay attention to them. My task is to harmonize the requirements of business partners from these markets and the Czech Republic, as they often differ or even contradict each other. But it feels great when we successfully finish a project. Our work is highly regarded here.

Sascha Wolinski


Even after more than 30 years in the theatre – on stage, behind the stage and as a designer – I still never get tired of developing and implementing your projects and ideas.
It is important to me to listen to your needs and ideas and to implement them in co-operation and coordination with you as the client. My experience both as a designer and as a client representative helps me to do this. I understand both sides and can therefore mediate between art, technology and finances.
Our team is at your side with help and advice from the start of the project to the opening ceremony and beyond.
Art is not just what the audience sees or hears, there is much more to it than that.